More importantly, I hope so.
I wrote this post the other day about my dislike for tremolos. In it, I mentioned a few guitarists who seem to not only have no problem with tremolos, but actually thrive with them. The first guitarist I mentioned was Alan Morse from Spock's Beard. The Beard are one of my favorite bands - in fact, discovering their music was one of the influences in my decision to start writing and recording music. I love Alan's playing on their records and I still can't believe does what he does on a guitar without using a pick. I've tried playing fingerstyle like he does and I'm terrible at it.
Anyway, I got a comment on that post (my first one!) and it appeared to be from Mr. Morse himself. Now, the Internet is an anonymous place where anyone can pretend to be anybody, but I think it's legit, considering one important fact: no one reads my blog! At least not enough to encourage that kind of imitation. I'm guessing he found the post by Googling his name and he was nice enough to leave a comment.
When I saw that comment, man was I pumped! It really did make my day, if not my whole weekend. To think that one of my favorite guitarists and someone I admire and draw inspiration from actually visited my little corner of the 'Net! I've just recently carved out this corner for myself and I'm still trying to build some readership. I hope Alan stops by more often and enjoys my stumbling through the recording and writing process, and even gives some advice now and then. I'd be honored if he did.
I also apologize for milking this. I can't help it if I'm excited!
Shameless plug: I also can't wait until the new Beard album comes out this year. I plan on reviewing it here as soon as I get it. Everyone should check it out! If you can't wait, pick up their last album, the excellent self-titled Spock's Beard.
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